You Are Enough
DriverWorks Ink / 31 May 2023

You Are Enough: Activate Your Angels & Magnetize a Soul-FULL Lifeby Lisa DriverPublished by DriverWorks InkReview by Toby A. Welch$24.95 ISBN 9781927570784 Every once in a while a book comes along that you didn’t know you needed but you do. You Are Enough is that book for me. In a very condensed nutshell, this spiritual guidebook covers how to get in touch with your angels so you can let go of your past and your current pressures in order to believe that you are loved and supported (and ultimately that You Are Enough.) Author Lisa Driver helps you accomplish this through the use of spiritual tools like meditations, exercises, and angel activations. It does make sense as you work your way through the book, I promise!  Driver mentions in her introduction that she worked on this book for almost four years and it shows. It is a dense read filled with a tremendous amount of information: that is a great thing for readers who like to delve deep into a topic. Fans of journaling will be pulling out their pens and notebooks as they go through You Are Enough. You’ll find journal prompts scattered throughout the book that are juicy…

DriverWorks Ink / 12 April 2017

Leap! How To Overcome Doubt, Fear, And Grief and Choose the Path of Joy by Lisa Driver Published by DriverWorks Ink Review by Shelley A. Leedahl $19.95 ISBN 978-192757033-3 When I review a self-help book, I’m interested in knowing the author’s story. Is he or she writing based on personal experience? If so, I’m immediately more invested. The combination of practical advice and personal revelation is precisely what writer Lisa Driver delivers in her second book, and the long subtitle of Leap! provides a summary of what readers are in for: advice on ways to “Overcome Doubt, Fear, And Grief [And] Choose The Path of Joy.” Driver wears multiple hats. The Regina-born writer is a “certified Angel Therapist, Advanced Angel Tarot and oracle card reader, Medium, and Reiki Practitioner,” and in 2016 she became a new mother. In this ninety-six page softcover she conversationally discusses her decision to leave the financial security of traditional employment and follow her dream to focus exclusively on her business, Above 540, which serves to inspire others “to the joy and wonder that exists around them, and [help] them step into their power” via readings and spiritually-based teaching and healing. Setting intentions, meditating, creating awareness,…

Opening Up: How To Develop Your Intuition and Work With Your Angels
DriverWorks Ink / 3 June 2015

Opening Up: How To Develop Your Intuition And Work With Your Angels by Lisa Driver Published by DriverWorks Ink Review by Shelley A. Leedahl $19.95 ISBN 978-1-927570-13-5 Are you as happy as you’d like to be? I’m guessing that most would answer “no” to this glaring question, whether our challenges concern illness, loneliness, grief, financial woes, strained relationships, confidence issues, employment worries, addictions, or something altogether different. Of course many books promise happier, healthier living, but Lisa Driver’s Opening Up: How To Develop Your Intuition And Work With Your Angels takes a unique approach: it combines elements of Christianity (the author was raised in a Christian home and uses “God” to describe the “loving energy” we all share) and what some term “new age” beliefs, ie: developing intuition through meditation; using crystals; participating in Angel Tarot card readings, energy work, and Reiki; and recognizing when our angels are communicating with us. Regina-born Driver was in transition in her own personal life – she’d had “about seven jobs in as many years” – when she attended a “Natural Health and Healing Expo” in her adopted city, Medicine Hat. There the “’regular’ Saskatchewan prairie girl” was introduced to an “angelic medium from…