Burned-Out Healer, The

8 October 2020

The Burned-Out Healer: A Path to Trauma Release and Reconnection to Self
by Jacquie Balogh
Published by Wood Dragon Books
Reviewed by Michelle Shaw
$19.99 ISBN 978-1-989078-23-5

In The Burned-Out Healer, Calgary-based hypnotherapist Jacquie Balogh shares her journey from burnout towards spiritual and physical harmony and provides a practical roadmap for others to recognize and address their own energetic exhaustion.

Jacquie has been involved in healing for most of her life. Even as a child, she says, she had a special knack for reading people, for knowing things about them she had no realistic way of knowing. “I was able to see things around them such as auras and visitors from another realm. I was able to decipher what those things meant and help people along their journey by sharing this knowledge with them.”

Jacquie naturally gravitated towards a career that would involve helping others and became a licensed practical nurse, which initially she thoroughly enjoyed. But after fifteen years she was disillusioned, she says, with a system that seemed to focus more on bureaucracy than healing. She decided to train in other avenues of healing such as reiki, tarot, mediumship and hypnotherapy, incorporating her knowledge into her own healing work. But even though she was passionate about her work, she found herself living in a chronic state of exhaustion and brain fog.

One night Jacquie experienced numerous successive seizures and eventually found herself in an ambulance on the way to the emergency room. She was diagnosed with Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizure Disorder (PNES)—usually caused by psychological factors that present in the form of seizures—and was advised to see a psychiatrist for further treatment.

Jacquie says she felt a strong inner voice crying out that psychiatry and medications weren’t the way to deal with this. She contacted a mentor and friend who she trusted as a talented hypnotherapist and together they “began the work of releasing the stuff that was holding me stuck to the floor.”

It was not easy. “In the beginning, it was often messy and ugly… but eventually,” says Jacquie, “that gave way to clarity, focus and blessed peace and balance.”

Jacquie felt strongly that she needed to share her story—as well as the practical steps she took on her journey—particularly with others in the healing profession who were experiencing the same exhaustion and burnout. “After facing the worst and choosing to do the work for myself, I experienced such profound positive gains in my own life that I felt I needed to share [my] story.”

Jacquie Balogh is an Advanced Hypnotherapist, author, trainer, medium and speaker specializing in Advanced Holistic Hypnosis. Her passion and focus are to move her clients past will power, into actual change through her Reconnection to Self model, which lays the groundwork for self-healing and self-connection while navigating through the personal burnout of energy healing. Jacquie lives in Calgary, Canada and works both locally and internationally.


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