With Love To You All, Bogga S.

14 December 2011

With Love to You All, Bogga S
by Audrhea Lande
Published by Your Nickel’s Worth Publishing
Review by Catherine Fuchs
$28.95 ISBN 978-1-894431-62-0

This biography of Sigurbjorg Stefansson, known affectionately as “Bogga”, brings to us the original and inspiring story of “Bogga’s” life. From the outset, author Audrhea Lande engages the reader by weaving together the stories and personal letters from the life of Sigurbjorg Stefansson, long time teacher and philanthropist.

With Love to You All, Bogga S contains personal and evocative descriptions of the hardships of immigrant life in the early 20th century amid the Prairie Provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The story of “Bogga’s” life are preserved with many historical pictures, letters and newspaper clippings that give a visual support to this personal account of one of Canada’s outstanding pioneers.

Audrhea Lande reveals the depth of character that was possessed by Sigurbjorg Stefansson, a woman who cared deeply about social issues, and a woman who was ahead of her time as a freethinker and humanist. Sigurbjorg “Bogga” Stefansson, like many of the Icelandic pioneers contributed greatly to furthering literacy in Canada through the arts and education.

Sigurbjorg Stefansson taught school at Carrick, Lundar, and at Gimli from 1923 to 1962. She was also a philanthropist who established three public libraries; her work also included support for education and literacy that
was recognized by many honorary life memberships. She also was the principle force of the Gimli Saga: The History of Gimli, Manitoba, an award-winning community history.

Audrhea Lande’s biography truly gives us an in depth portrayal of a woman who enriched the life of those around her and those who would live after her. This is a work that belongs in Canadian schools and libraries as a testimony to the dedication and sacrifice of a prairie pioneer, Sigurbjorg Stefansson, everyone’s “Bogga.”


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