Three Heirs, The

9 November 2023

The Three Heirs
by Monique Desrosiers
Published by Wood Dragon Books
Review by Toby A. Welch
$26.99 ISBN 9781990863219

Over a year ago I read an amazing book by Monique Desrosiers, The Cartwright Men Marry. I devoured the book and wanted more from Desrosiers. I was disappointed to find that the book I had just finished was her first novel; there were no others in her repertoire to enjoy. I was bummed but such is life. But recently I learned about The Three Heirs – Monique Desrosiers finally published her second novel! My universe tilted back into alignment. I couldn’t wait to dive back into a world created by Desrosiers’ imagination. 

This is the story of a woman who dies and brings three strangers together for the reading of her will. None of them know the recently deceased Delilah but they are all connected. What takes place leading up to the will reveal as well as the fallout afterward will keep you rapidly turning the pages. 

The Three Heirs will be a hit with readers of period fiction. The book starts in the 1860s before flashing back to the 1790s and then covers the seven decades in between. Desrosiers clearly researched those decades as she does a great job of making that time in history come alive for the readers. 

Desrosiers has an intuitive ability to develop characters; both villains and heroes are equally attractive under her talented hand. It is a skill that not enough writers have these days so when I come across it, it stands out. Kudos to Desrosiers!

The cast of characters in The Three Heirs will keep you cheering for them from the first page to the last. Unlike some fiction reads where all the characters are so similar that it’s hard to keep them straight, every character in this book is different from the others. It makes it easy to not get confused about who is doing what and which person is being discussed. It is a refreshing aspect in a book and something I appreciate greatly in a novel.

I do want to share a quick heads up about the content. A few of the main characters and some of the minor ones work at or visit a brothel so we are exposed to the sexual goings-on that go down in the place. You’ll also encounter other detailed sexual exploits. While they are all tastefully described and never sleazy, they occur regularly.

Monique Desrosiers’ first published novel came out in 2020 and number two, The Three Heirs, came out in 2023. I hope we won’t have to wait until 2026 for another fabulous read from the creative author. She is a phenomenal writer capable of crafting worlds that you love to be drawn into. I can’t recommend more strongly that you pick up a copy of The Three Heirs


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