Love, Loss, and Other Oddities

26 February 2013

Love, Loss and Other Oddities
by Saskatchewan Romance Writers
Review by Karen Lawson
$16.95 ISBN 978-0-9878337-0-9

Thanks to the Saskatchewan Romance Writers, romance is alive and well in Saskatchewan. In celebration of twenty-five years as a writing group, its members decided to compile their best stories. The result is an entertaining and diverse collection entitled Love, Loss and Other Oddities. There are seventeen talented writers involved in the compilation of this anthology. The stories included in Love, Loss and Other Oddities are as diverse and different as the writers themselves. But there are two things that all the contributors have in common: they all love to write in the romantic vein and they are all residents of Saskatchewan.

Romance is a huge genre that encompasses many different components. This book covers every aspect of romance and love. It is a potpourri of love stories. There is everything from historical romance to contemporary romance. It also includes urban fantasy and paranormal romance. Some stories are lighthearted. Several are touching and sad. Many of the stories focus on young love. Some deal with characters that are facing middle and old age. Some look at the sweetness of a new relationship. Others zero in on the trials and tribulations of lost love.

Several of the stories take place in locales that will be very familiar to Saskatchewan readers. The story, Running Back to Saskatoon, by Clare Hurst will evoke many memories and visual images to any reader who has spent time along the riverbank near the Bessborough Hotel in Saskatoon. The story, Transitional Love, by Annette Bower is set in another familiar Saskatchewan setting that is part of our social culture – the local doughnut shop.

Best-selling author, Mary Balogh, said it best in the forward: “I hope readers have as much fun with these stories as I have had, stories of Saskatchewan by those who live here and love it as I do.”

Everyone needs a little romance in their lives and Love, Loss, and Other Oddities will certainly satisfy those that are looking for love in Saskatchewan.


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