Gardening Naturally
Coteau Books / 7 September 2011

Gardening Naturally: A chemical-free handbook for the Prairies by Sara Williams and Hugh Skinner Published by Coteau Books Review by Noelle Chorney $24.95 ISBN 978-1-55050-449-1 “Chemical-free” and “natural” are constant buzzwords in the contemporary gardening scene. If you’ve ever wondered whether there are practical, chemical-free solutions that will work in our Prairie climate, you will appreciate the information provided by Prairie gardening experts Sara Williams and Hugh Skinner in “Gardening Naturally.” The authors make a compelling case for reducing chemical use in gardens and outline the fundamental principles of a chemical-free garden: namely to grow healthy plants that can resist pests and diseases. Keeping your plants well fed and watered, rotating your plants, and maintaining a high level of diversity are all addressed. The remainder of the book is broken into plant types: lawn, vegetables, flowers, and trees, with a useful diagnostic chart for each. An in-depth description of all diseases and insects that may befall your garden is included for each section, with several suggestions for control, ranging from ‘less toxic’ to entirely chemical-free alternatives. This format allows gardeners to make their own pest and disease control decisions according to their comfort level with chemicals and their level of…