More Things Change, The
Benchmark Press / 9 January 2019

The More Things Change: A Case Study to Introduce Information Technology Ethics by Donna Lindskog Published by Benchmark Press Reviewed by Ben Charles $20.00 ISBN 9781927352373 The More Things Change: A Case Study to Introduce Information Technology Ethics, written by Donna Lindskog is a thought provoking exercise in technology ethics that manages to also be an entertaining experience along the way. The story follows Carol McIsaac, a brand new employee of MTS, working as a programmer analyst. Set in 1979, Carol and her friends, Jeremey and Susan, traverse the new world of technology using keypunch machines to write code. Although the technology used throughout this story is archaic by today’s standards, the ethical dilemmas found within are very much relevant to today’s professional and technological climates. The issues that Carol faces include plagiarism, fraud, sexual harassment, racism, basic incompetence, and a plethora of other debatable ethical dilemmas. The book also provides a detailed appendix of all the information that an IT enthusiast needs in order to act ethically and responsibly in a professional setting. This includes a Code of Ethics, generously provided by the Canadian Association of Information Technology Professionals (CIPS). In our world of net neutrality, Russian bots, micro-transactions,…