Thistledown Press / 3 August 2011

Flyways by Devin Krukoff Published by Thistledown Press Ltd. Review by Cindy Wilson $19.95 ISBN 978-1-897235-77-5 Devin Krukoff has found a very unique way to introduce each of the characters in his novel. By using a short anecdote of a specific bird and its activities we are given a hint about each character in the story and their situation in life. In each chapter the small glimpse we are shown of each person’s existence is very significant. The author makes us feel that we know these characters on a personal level. We see how each character either has some tenuous, or very strong relationship, to another character in the story. The connection between specific events and an array of individuals illustrates the idea that there really is only six degrees of separation,and in some cases possibly less, between everyone in society. Krukoff’s novel encompasses a very wide range of human experience. He delves into family relationships where husbands, wives, and children are often disconnected and in distress. His characters are from all levels of society. Their actions and reactions to the situations they find themselves in reminds us how life can change in an instant. One example the author uses…