The Sometimes Lake

24 May 2013

The Sometimes Lake
by Sandy Bonny
Published by Thistledown Press
Review by Alison Slowski
$18.95 ISBN 978-1-897235-99-7

“My daddy used to say things about what we’re made out of to make my mom roll her eyes. Like crystals vibrating. Also energy balls.” – “Marrow”, by Sandy Bonny

Sandy Bonny, a Saskatoon-based writer, creates a compelling collection of stories from all corners of life in The Sometimes Lake. These are funny, moving stories of real people in contemporary settings. They warm the heart with dynamic characters the reader can’t help but want to know more about. These stories include a pair of young, bereaved children in the exotic mountains of a Buddhist nunnery in India; the bored girlfriend of a beekeeper devoted to his vexing family; a new teacher trying to get his bearings-culturally and otherwise-with a Northern Canadian Dene community school; two lesbian university students brought together by a special mutual friend; and a little girl’s musing upon death and loss after her grandfather passes. Myth and belief intertwine when a young man who is situated at a commune becomes trapped and unable to leave, and when road builders from bygone days explore legends of their past. Bonny’s love of science, the human condition, and people from all walks of life will shine through these works.

Shortlisted for the Saskatchewan Book Awards 2013, Sandy Bonny’s book is a fantastic collection you won’t want to miss.


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